
Friday, October 8, 2010

"I accept my uniqueness"

I think I may be falling into a pattern for this blog - waxing philosophical about Louise Hay's daily affirmation. Not a bad thing, right? I haven't looked at them much of late; the only thing I have wanted to affirm for the last few months in how fat, hideous and depressed I am. And god forbid I should see a positive affirmation and get out of my funk. I have a lot invested in this neurotic persona.

So today "I accept my uniqueness."  Just sitting here pondering that thought leads to so many others. I have spent years yearning to be like everybody else, beating myself up because I don't feel "normal," whatever that is. Yet people who are "unique" are so much more interesting! They are the people you remember; the people you are drawn to. We admire them for having the courage to be who they really are and not give a crap about what anybody else thinks. So why don't we feel the same way about our own uniqueness? "Unique" is a cool word, but it seems that when we're talking about ourselves we turn it into a negative in an instant -- weird, different, freaky oddball. And when you believe you are a freaky weirdo it's really, really hard to 'approve of yourself.' It hurts.

And food always makes it feel better.

So today, not only am I going to accept my uniqueness, I am going to approve of it!

1 comment:

  1. Today was a good day. I didn't think all that much about my uniqueness, but at least I didn't blast myself all day about being a miserable failure.

    Breakfast: blueberries and peaches with yogurt, topped with a crumbled granola bar

    Lunch: Daphne's Greek Salad, hummus with pita

    Dinner: Quinoa veggie mixture with broccoli, half a whole wheat tortilla, baked with olive and parmesan

    Snack: organic apple slices from TJ's
